Ways That College Students Can Manage Mental Health

College can be very stressful. Not only are students dealing with the academic rigor of college but also social adjustments. The independence that college provides comes with new opportunities, challenges, and responsibilities. While this is an exciting time for many college students, it can be daunting for those dealing with mental illness. Approximately one in four adults over the age of 18 in the U.S. suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. Below are some tips to manage your mental health while on campus.
- Physical Health
Good physical health has a direct correlation to increased mental well-being. These mental health and exercise recommendations from National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) are a good place to start.
- Effectively Manage Time
Using a time management app helps to stay organized before tasks begin piling up. Developing a consistent schedule not only helps reduce everyday stressors but improves overall mental well-being.
- Practice Mindfulness
College is stressful and fast-paced, making it easy to feel disconnected from your own needs. Mindfulness meditation is a great way to not only relieve stress but improve memory and focus. Meditation has also been shown to help anxiety disorders and enhance mental health treatment. When students are feeling stressed, these recommendations for mindfulness or meditation can be helpful. The Jed Foundation (JED) offers more information and resources on mindfulness for students.
- Find Ways To Get Involved
Harvard Medical School published an article stating that “volunteering helps people who donate their time feel more socially connected,” which can help decrease loneliness and depressive thoughts. Even the pandemic created new ways to volunteer and give time to worthy causes through virtual methods.