Updates & Changes | October | Scholars & Parents

Mandatory Programming Expectations
Per the Beginning of the Year Orientations, Beginning of the Year Check Ins, and the Parent-Scholar Agreement, it is required that ALL LINK Scholars adhere by the following:
- 5 Saturday Academies (September 17, October 22, December 3, January 14, and April 15)
- 2 Service Projects a year (December 7, MLK Day, and more options to come!). These service projects can be outside of LINK!
- Scholar Retreat: 9th grade: February 25, 10th grade: March 18, 11th grade: March 25, 12th grade: April 15
- Attend at least 2 LINK-sponsored College/Career events outside of Saturday Academy (only 1 required for 9th and 10th grade)
If a Scholar cannot attend ANY mandatory event, they must inform their assigned Case Manager at least 48-24 hours prior to the scheduled event.
If a Scholar misses up to 3 mandatory programming events, they will receive a Restorative Action meeting and Plan (with Scholar, parent, Case Manager, and assigned Mentor (if applicable)), or a Release Meeting (if Restorative Action Plan was filed to be completed successfully).
Winter Sports Update
If a LINK Scholar is participating in a winter sport (Swimming, Basketball, Cheerleading, etc.) at their prospective school or community, they must send a copy of their schedule to their assigned Case Manager ASAP.
Please Note: Even with a schedule sent, if a Scholar is to miss any Mandatory Programming, they must still inform their assigned Case Manager 48-24 hours in advance of the scheduled event.
Grade Report Updates
The first grade report (progress or report card) will need to be submitted by Sunday, October 30. Please submit your grade reports electronically via the unique link that will be sent out to all Scholars. Late submissions will be accepted until Friday, November 4. If a Scholar has any issue with submitting their grades or has any questions about the process, they should contact their assigned Case Manager prior to the deadline date.
Tutoring Information Updates
Many Scholars and parents have reached out to us pertaining to available tutoring sign ups. As of right now, more information will be sent out electronically and via Remind Texts for sign ups for tutoring.
Class Incentive Updates
Congratulations to our Class of 2023 seniors who had a 72% attendance rate at September’s Saturday Academy! As part of this accomplishment, we will be rewarding the Seniors with an incentive that they will be informed of during October’s Saturday Academy. We encourage all classes to attend Saturday Academy, as well as all mandatory programming! Only 4 more left for the entire Academic Year! We can’t wait to see you all there!