Jr. LINK and High School Scholars, get ready for our first mandatory Saturday Academy of the new school year!
Saturday Academy (Mandatory)
Saturday, October 5th
Holy Trinity High School*
1443 W. Division, Chicago, IL 60642
*Be on the lookout for information about an alternative location for our November and December Saturday Academies.
At our Saturday Academy sessions, Scholars will engage in lessons, teambuilding, and self-exploration activities surrounding their grade-level theme.
Here are this year’s themes:
- 7th: Activate Your Genius: Become Even More of Who You Are Meant to Be.
- 8th: Amplify the Power Within: Cultivate the Greatness Already Inside.
- 9th: Step Into Your Legacy, Part 1: Amplify Your Potential and Possibilities.
- 10th: Step Into Your Legacy, Part 2: Ignite the Fuels of Your Passions with Your Gifts and Talents.
- 11th: Step Into Your Power: Unlock Your Dreams and Accomplish Your Goals.
- 12th: Step Into Your Truest Self: Free Your Dreams and Stand Apart.
During our October 5th Saturday Academy, 11th and 12th grade Scholars will attend the NACAC Fair at Navy Pier! LINK will provide transportation to and from the event, so stay tuned for information about logistics. Scholars, you must register here for the NACAC event.
All Scholars must RSVP for Saturday Academy in the Community App. Remember, Saturday Academy is a mandatory event—and you’ll want to be with us anyway as we experience these amazing days of learning together