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Recent Grants Affirm LINK’s Mission and Impact

We would like to extend a huge word of thanks to all of our supporters who invest in LINK Unlimited

Download the 2023 Scholar Celebration Program

Download the 2023 Scholar Celebration Program Now!

KIRKLAND & ELLIS INTERNATIONAL LAW FIRM continues its long-standing partnership with LINK

In 2021, LINK Unlimited Scholars announced a partnership with two of Chicago’s most recognizable firms, including one of its longest-standing

“All of Us” Spring Appeal Campaign

It’s finally Spring! That means the start of festivities that signal the end of our Scholars’ high school journey is

Save The Date for LINK’s Annual Golf Outing!

On Thursday, July 20th, 2023, we are returning to the Twin Orchard Country Club for our 28th Annual Golf Outing. 

Save The Date for the 2023 Scholar Celebration!

Join us for our 2023 Scholar Celebration, sponsored by Old National Bank!  This year’s celebration to honor the achievements of

In Case You Missed It | January | Scholars & Parents

Angel Tree Thank you to all Mentors, Scholars, and Parents who participated in our 3rd Annual Angel Tree Event. With

Updates & Changes | January | Partners & Supporters

Welcoming LINK’s New Board Chair Ken Johnson The LINK Staff, Board of Directors, and community welcomes Kenneth Johnson as the

Fifth Third’s Investment in LINK

We are grateful for Fifth Third Chicagoland Foundation’s recently renewed grant support. With contributions dating back to 2009, Fifth Third

A Peek at What’s Ahead for LINK Scholars | January

Upcoming LINK Scholar Programming The winter days may be cold and dark, but LINK Scholar programming is heating up in

In Case You Missed It | January | Mentor

Thank You to all Angel Tree Participants! Thank you to all Mentors, Scholars, and Parents who participated in our 3rd

A Peek at What’s Ahead for LINK Scholars | October

Ever wonder what LINK Scholars are up to at this time a year? Here’s a glimpse into happenings this fall:

LINK Partners with NAMWOLF!

Last month, several LINK Scholars were selected to speak at NAMWOLF’s (The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law

Summer Learning Success

After two years of virtual programming, high school LINK Scholars enthusiastically returned to our six-week Summer Learning program in person

Sign Up to Be a LINK Ambassador Soon

LINK Ambassadors are student leaders who can speak to their experience with LINK outcomes and LINK impact. They will be

LINK Unlimited Scholars is pleased to announce our new President & CEO Dr. Toinette Gunn!

Hello Scholars, Mentors, Families, and Members of the LINK Community, I’m Dr. Toinette Gunn, your new LINK Unlimited Scholars President